Monday 3 October 2011

Questionnaire Results

In my questionnaire I asked seven sixth formers several questions concerning a new school magazine that I am making. I have decided to aim my magazine at sixth formers because I think that it would be relevant to me and there would always be a lot to write about.
All seven of the participants were female and all said that they would read a school magazine if there was one available.
The third question that I asked them about was the masthead. Two said they liked Sixth at Henry, two said 6 and three wanted Top of the School.
The vast majority of people I asked, 6, said they liked the slogan A-Level antics. Although one said that she liked Sixth Sense.
Unlike what I had expected only four people wouldn't pay for a magazine and three said they would. I had expected that no one would pay!
The next question was about the articles. No one wanted to read about exams, sporting success got one vote,school trips got 4 as did the next drama production,teachers tips got three, local events got severs and the week in pictures got five.
Most people wanted a small group of 3-6 people on the front cover and three wanted more than 6 people.
When concerning colours most people wanted a combination of yellow and black with both getting six votes but one person wanted navy.
The penultimate question was whether anyone would contribute to the magazine if ti were published three said yes and four said maybe.
The last question was how often people wanted the magazine and all seven of them wanted it once a month.