Sunday 26 February 2012

Contents page plan

  • Features
  • Reviews
  • Regulars
  • Competition

  • Cover story- Zoe Bradley
  • Mumford & Sons
  • BBC Folk Proms
  • John Tams and Barry Coope talk about Warhorse 

  • Bellowhead
  • Laura Marling
  • Benji Kirkpatrick
  • Billy Bragg
  • Eliza Carthy
  • Jim Moray
  • Tunng
  • Megson
  • Seth Lakeman
  • The Unthanks

  • Letters
  • News this month
  • Tours
  • Festivals
  • An audience with...
  • The month in pictures
  • ballad's top 10 
  • Love and Hate

  • Win tickets to Greenman Festival! 

Contents cover analysis

 I like this style of contents page because it is very ordered and easy to navigate but it is not boring and the different size pictures work really well especially when they over lap each other.

  I like this contents page because it gives more information with each headline and that it shows album covers and captions with all the pictures. I also like that there are pictures and messages from the editors.

 I like this contents page because all the features have extra information and there are quotes that go with the main story. I also like the way that the one picture takes up the whole page and all the stories fit around it.

 I like this contents page because the main picture fits in with the rest of the contents. I also like how the different sections are in different colours so they are easily definable.