Sunday 6 May 2012

Audience survey results

Music Magazine Evaluation
Audience Survey

Front Cover

1.       What do you associate with the name of the magazine?

      A song that tells a story. A folk song. 

2.       What does the main image make you think of?

    A young musician. A songwriter. A new musician.  

3.       Which of the cover stories do you find the most interesting and why?

     Mumford & Sons because they are the most well known. The main story because it looks interesting. Warhorse because I've seen it.

4.       Is the front cover appealing?

·         Yes  6
·         No   1


      It looks very professional. It is too cluttered. I like the colours. The stories are good. 

5.       Which age group do you think the magazine is aimed at?
·         10-14 year olds  2
·         15-19 year olds  3
·         20-25 year olds  1
·         26-30 year olds  1
·         31+              0

6.       Which gender do you think this magazine is targeting?
·         Male    2
·         Female  2
·         Both    3

7.       Which genre of music do you think the magazine is targeted at?
·         Rock  0
·         Pop   1
·         Folk  6
·         Dance 0
·         Other-………………………………………………………………………(please state)0

8.       Does it resemble a cover from a real magazine?
·         Yes  7
·         No   0

Cover Page

9.       Is the layout clear and easy to use?
·         Yes 7
·         No  0

10.  Is it attractive to look at?
·         Yes  6
·         No   1

11.  Do you think the pictures are relevant to the articles?
·         Yes  7
·         No   0

12.  Does it resemble a contents page from a real magazine?
·         Yes  7
·         No   0

Double Page Spread

13.  Is the content of the article of interest to you? Please give a reason.
·         Yes 4
·       No  3
It is well written. I don't know the artist. 

14.  Does the headline make you want to read the article?
·         Yes  6
·         No   1

15.  Does the main picture represent the content of the article well?
·         Yes  7
·         No   0

16.  Do you think that the layout of the article is good?
·         Yes  7
·         No   0

17.  Does it resemble an article from a real magazine?
·         Yes  7
·         No   0

18.  Would you buy the magazine for the cover price?
·         Yes  7
·          No  0

19.  How would you rate the overall quality of the front cover, contents page and double page spread?
      Bad<1 2 3 4 5>Good
          0 0 1 2 4


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