Tuesday 29 November 2011

Music fan Profile

Folkey Dolkey

Age 16-24
What is he wearing?  Loose, unbranded clothing brought from charity shops or relatively  unknown organic, fair trade designers selling from large canvas tents at festivals. Tie-die and slogans on peace, equality and "being green" feature heavily on t-shirts as do grandad collars, seasonal colours and socks with sandals. Long hair and beards are also very popular especially when paired with thick woollen ( possibly homemade) jumpers.
Listening  New folk bands and artists who tend to fuse traditional folk with more modern music including, electric guitars and drum sets. Mixing of older bands and musicians ( usually having been introduced to by their parents) e.g. Martin Carthy, John Tams, with newer singers that they've seen at various festivals e.g. Jim Moray, Seth Lakeman. Females of the species will be irresistibly drawn to them as they are both young and talented.
Wants to be  Many play one or more instruments and are in a band, so they hope to become successful like Mumford and Sons. Soloists want to become as iconic as Bob Dylan and women want to be Bellowhead's Rachel Mc'Shane.
Find Him  During the summer they will be congregating at folk festivals such as Sidmouth, Cambridge and Bromyard also at smaller festivals like Greenman. Throughout the year they can be found at small, intimate gigs in theatres or in a session at a pub.

Monday 28 November 2011


Ruth Bilsborough Music magazine questionnaire

1.     Which masthead do you prefer?

·        Ballard
·        Jig
·        Matachin
·        Rhythm Bones
·        Ragtime
·        Other ( please state)

2.    Would you prefer the main image to be of men or women?

·        Men
·        Women
·        Both

3.    How many people would you want to be on the front cover of the magazine?

·        1
·        2
·        3
·        4
·        5+
·        Other ( please state)

4.    What colour would you want the main image to be?

·        black and white
·        full colour

5.    How would you like the main image to be structured?

·        close up ( of face only)
·        Medium close up ( of face and shoulders)
·        Full length ( whole body)
·        Other ( please state)

6.    Which colours do you prefer to be on the cover of a magazine? Choose up to three.

·        Green
·        Blue
·        Gold
·        White
·        Black
·        Red
·        Brown
·        Orange
·        Other ( please state)

7.    Which of the following stories would you like to read about in a music magazine? Choose up to four

·        Reviews of bands
·        Tour diaries
·        Music awards
·        Interviews
·        Album reviews
·        Up and coming bands
·        Festivals
·        Competitions
·        Instrument reviews
·        Other ( please state)


I may use Bob Dylan as the inspiration for my front cover main image.

I particularly like the black and white pictures. I'll probably have a black and white picture on my front cover.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Possible mastheads

I chose all these because they have a connection to my folk genre:
* Ballard
* Jig
* Rhythm Bones
* Matachin
* Ragtime

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Music magazine covers that I quite like

This is actually the cover of someone elses AS media cousework but I couldn't tell the difference.

music magazine

I have decided to go for a folk/world music type magazine as I am really interested in this genre of music.

What do you need to think about to create an effective main image for your music magazine cover?

* composition
* colour scheme- mise en scene
* costume/props
* setting- interior or exterior?
* target audience
* Who?- model availability
* theme
* genre
* background
* lighting- natural light
* camera angle
* position of models- pose
* hair and make-up
* number of models
* shot distance
* time
* representation- gender, age, music style, etc.
* is the background going to be removed?
* the models usually represent the audience
* the masthead- how is it going to fit on the page
* take at least 5 shots and have variety
* think about real artists- receate shots

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Evaluation of scool magazine cover

The title "Top of the School" is a good name for a magazine aimed at sixth formers. It refers to the fact that sixth formers are the two highest years in the school and so are "top". The colour scheme of the masthead is yellow and black which are appropriate because they are the colours of the uniform. This along with the size and placing make the masthead clearly visible.
The main image of the magazine takes over the entire page and it is part of the main story headline as all the models are involved in the school production. This image consists of five people in a relaxed pyramid formation, three people on the bottom with two above.However there are no subsidiary images on the cover.
 There is one main headline on the cover that goes with the main image and there are also four other sell lines. The language of the magazine is informal and entertaining to keep readers interested but it also gives clear and concise information. A range of  appropriate fonts and colours have been used to relate to the individual sell lines which make them stand out.
There is a clear structure and grid to the cover which makes it clear and well organised. Also it is bright and colourful which appeals to the reader and there are numerous references to the school.
I would say that my main strengths are the choice of main image and headline, my slogan "A-level Antics" and my sell lines. My targets for improvement would be to have a clear colour scheme, have less cramped sell lines and to have a more professional main image.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Possible cover photos.

School magazine cover drafts.

School magazine Questionaire.

1.What gender are you?
2.Would you read a school magazine if you were given the chance?
3.Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
    Sixth at Henry
    Top of the school
4.Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
    Sixth form stress eased out!
    A-level Antics
    Sixth Sense
5.Would you pay for a school magazine?
6.Please indicate any of the following stories that you would be interested in reading about in a school magazine?
  Exam Results
  Sporting Success
  School Trips
   Next Drama production
  Teachers Tips
  Local events
  The week in pictures
7.Which of the following images would you want to see on the front cover?
  one person
  a couple
  a small group (3-6 people)
  a large group (6+ people)
8.Which of the following colours do you associate with the school?
9.would you be willing to contribute to the school magazine?
   I don't know
10.how often would like a school magazine to come out?
    every week
    every month
    every two months