Monday 28 November 2011


Ruth Bilsborough Music magazine questionnaire

1.     Which masthead do you prefer?

·        Ballard
·        Jig
·        Matachin
·        Rhythm Bones
·        Ragtime
·        Other ( please state)

2.    Would you prefer the main image to be of men or women?

·        Men
·        Women
·        Both

3.    How many people would you want to be on the front cover of the magazine?

·        1
·        2
·        3
·        4
·        5+
·        Other ( please state)

4.    What colour would you want the main image to be?

·        black and white
·        full colour

5.    How would you like the main image to be structured?

·        close up ( of face only)
·        Medium close up ( of face and shoulders)
·        Full length ( whole body)
·        Other ( please state)

6.    Which colours do you prefer to be on the cover of a magazine? Choose up to three.

·        Green
·        Blue
·        Gold
·        White
·        Black
·        Red
·        Brown
·        Orange
·        Other ( please state)

7.    Which of the following stories would you like to read about in a music magazine? Choose up to four

·        Reviews of bands
·        Tour diaries
·        Music awards
·        Interviews
·        Album reviews
·        Up and coming bands
·        Festivals
·        Competitions
·        Instrument reviews
·        Other ( please state)


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