Tuesday 29 November 2011

Music fan Profile

Folkey Dolkey

Age 16-24
What is he wearing?  Loose, unbranded clothing brought from charity shops or relatively  unknown organic, fair trade designers selling from large canvas tents at festivals. Tie-die and slogans on peace, equality and "being green" feature heavily on t-shirts as do grandad collars, seasonal colours and socks with sandals. Long hair and beards are also very popular especially when paired with thick woollen ( possibly homemade) jumpers.
Listening  New folk bands and artists who tend to fuse traditional folk with more modern music including, electric guitars and drum sets. Mixing of older bands and musicians ( usually having been introduced to by their parents) e.g. Martin Carthy, John Tams, with newer singers that they've seen at various festivals e.g. Jim Moray, Seth Lakeman. Females of the species will be irresistibly drawn to them as they are both young and talented.
Wants to be  Many play one or more instruments and are in a band, so they hope to become successful like Mumford and Sons. Soloists want to become as iconic as Bob Dylan and women want to be Bellowhead's Rachel Mc'Shane.
Find Him  During the summer they will be congregating at folk festivals such as Sidmouth, Cambridge and Bromyard also at smaller festivals like Greenman. Throughout the year they can be found at small, intimate gigs in theatres or in a session at a pub.

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