Thursday 1 December 2011

Reader Profile

 Male- 60%
Female- 40%
Average age- 20
Still studying- 75%
Work full time- 25%
In the last 12 months readers bought on average:
35 CD albums
20 Singles
50% Buy most of their music from a major music chain ( HMV)
45% Specialist record shop
30% Festivals
10% Online retailer ( Amazon)
10 Tracks downloaded in last month
14 Albums burned to computer/ MP3 player
54% Own an iPod
23% Own a digital radio
87% own a CD player
Gigs and events
68% go to gigs regularly
90% go to at least 1 festival per year
70% get their tickets from online retailers
20% over the phone
44% agree that " reviews helps me choose what music I listen to"
98% agree that music is a big part of their lives
72% agree that they " like to listen to new bands"

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